Due to the Coronavirus pandemic in the world, there is a job crisis in front of the youth. According to a research by the Institute for Employment Studies, IES, more than half of those who lost their jobs due to Corona are workers under the age of 24. It is clear that in the year 2020, the job market was badly affected due to the pandemic. But the flip side of this is that this pandemic has created new possibilities for organizations as well as workers, which will determine the course of the job market in the coming decade.

Given the changing nature of work, it becomes imperative that in the new decade beginning with the beginning of this year, it is necessary to think deeply about what job trends will be seen in the next 10 years and what the professionals will have to do for them. Have to prepare

Follow These Strategies

Jobs Tips Make Yourself No.1 Among Competitors

Be 1% better than your competitors. Being ahead of such a small margin in the digital world can not only get you a job or promotion but can reduce the risk of job loss.

Do you have a source of income? If yes, then create more than one source of income, this will protect against sudden drop in income. Knowledge has a compounding effect in the long run. In such a situation, whatever your career may be, a strategy to keep learning with it will definitely benefit you in the long term.

Be Productive

The biggest impact of the pandemic on working professionals was seen in the form of anxiety. From job loss to salary cut, more competition than ever for every job opening, social distancing and continuous work during work from home, many such situations have come to the fore which have become a cause of stress for the professionals.

In such a situation, in the next decade, you will have to learn the skill of managing your anxiety to stay productive. To overcome long-term anxiety, you must first identify the reasons that give you stress and happiness. Then get into action and take steps to strengthen your career as well as reduce anxiety.


Digitization and automation grew rapidly after Kovid-19. The biggest example of this was seen in the transformation of virtual meetings and office work into work from home instead of business travel. The Future of Jobs survey has revealed that 80 percent of employers are ready to digitize their work processes while 50 percent are ready for job automation.

It is clear from this that many of the jobs that have been lost will never come back and those that will come will require new work methods and skills. According to Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens, to prepare yourself for the world of the future, you must not only reinvent new ideas and products, but also constantly reinvent yourself.

Previous experience

Past Experience According to the Future of Work report, 40 percent of existing workers’ core skills will change in the next five years. In the future, the old ways of working will lose their importance. In such a situation, you will not be able to expect an increase in salary while living in the old function or profession.

Even if you lose or replace a job, your income will drop drastically and will only start increasing when you learn a new skill or be able to produce very different results. On the other hand with a right employer making profits in a changing industry, you will be able to see yourself succeed.

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